Gluten Free Oat Bread

Tasty Bread Made with Gluten Free Oats

This delicious bread recipe was provided by Grainne O’Shea Harbison from Hardy & Healthy, a Nutritionist friend of mine. She created this recipe which I think is so easy to make. You can watch her video on Facebook. Ideal for lunch boxes or for a quick healthy snack after school.


  • 1 x 450g pot of yogurt (Sheep / Goat’s yogurt work well)
  • 2 x 450g pot measures of gluten free oat
  • 1/4 450g pot measure of mixed seeds (pumpkin, flax, sesame)
  • 2 teaspoons bicarbonate soda (sieved to avoid any lumps)
  • 1 pinch of salt


  1. Preheat the oven at 210 Celsius.
  2. Pour the yogurt into a bowl.
  3. Add the dry ingredients one by one.
  4. Using a large spoon, mix the dry ingredients through the yogurt until well combined.
  5. Pour into a 2lb loaf tin.
  6. Cook for 50 mins.
  7. Once cooked, turn out to cool on a wire tray.
  8. Enjoy!

Did you enjoy this recipe? Visit the recipe section of Savoir Fayre website for more tasty ideas.


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