10 things all women over 40 should know about the PERIMENOPAUSE


Knowledge is power.

Knowledge of yourself is self-empowerment.

Perimenopause is a natural stage in a woman's life.  Your journey is going to be totally unique to YOU. However, the more you learn about the changes in your body, the easier the transition and the less overwhelmed you will feel.

Whether you are already experiencing some symptoms or you are simply interested in finding out more, a warm welcome! I am very excited to share my top tips to help you on your journey.

As a 40 something mum and a Nutritional Therapist, I am keen to share my experience and knowledge so you don't have to spend hours with Dr. Google. Nutritional Therapy is a powerful therapy to help you reconnect with your body. Once you have done this, you will feel equipped to support your body as you go through perimenopause and menopause.

Request your FREE guide "10 things to know about perimenopause" today to learn key facts about this stage in your life and how to best support your body naturally.

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What GP's don't tell you about the PERIMENOPAUSE

You don't have to put up with this!

My mother never spoke about menopause. It was a taboo topic. But guess what? It doesn't have to be that way. 

When I decided to start researching the topic, I soon realised that we have got it all wrong. Menopause is when your periods have stopped for a consecutive 12 months. Perimenopause is the 3 to 15 years prior to Menopause. This is the time when you want to do EVERYTHING you can to support your body to minimise your symptoms. 

As a Nutritional Therapist specialising in female health, I see a lot of women in their late 30's and early 40's with hormonal imbalances. In many cases, these symptoms are in fact perimenopausal symptoms. 

If this is you, there is so much you can do to start feeling better. Your first step is to find out about perimenopause. Then you can start applying my top tips so that you feel ready when "Peri" decides to knock at your door. 

Get Your Free Guide Today!          

Feel free to send a copy to your best friend. You could be helping her a lot!  

Nutritional Therapy for Natural Hormone Balance


Hello! I'm Sandrine.

After a busy career in food marketing in London, I developed severe digestive and hormonal issues. With little help from conventional medicine, I decided to retrain as a Nutritionist to fully understand my health issues.

Since then, I have developed a true passion for helping women feel amazing by addressing long-term digestive discomforts and hormone imbalances. I enjoy helping women get to the root cause of bloating and period pains naturally, without the use of any medications.

If you are intrigued, feel free to get in touch for a chat at s.olmi@savoirfayre.co.uk. You can also follow me on Social Media (Instagram & Facebook).

Curious about Nutritional Therapy?

Feel free to explore our various nutrition programme or book a free discovery call.