Eat Your Way to Better Mood
Understanding cycle-related mood swings with Nutrigenomics
Meet Clara (not her real name): she is 39 years old, works full time and has 2 children. Clara came to my clinic because she was experiencing terrible mood swings at certain times of her cycle. This is something she had been experiencing for a long time and it was getting worse.
She really wanted to feel normal every day of the month.
But she didn’t know what to do. She went to her GP and he suggested taking the pill again. Clara was not keen because she knew that this was only going to hide what was really going on in her body.
So, Clara came to my clinic to understand her body better and to find out if there was a way to eat to improve her mood.
After discussing her health history, I suggested exploring Nutrigenomics. This is the study of our genes and the impact they have when it comes to our nutrition and the absorption of nutrients from the food we eat. You can eat your way to better mood once you know how your body works and what it needs.
“Nutrigenomic testing gives us an understanding of how our life choices interact with what makes us tick, so we can make positive changes that align with our genetics and optimise our health and wellbeing”.
Choosing a Nutrigenomics report
There are several reports to choose from depending on the health concern. We decided to order the Nervous system report because the main long term concern Clara raised was mood related. This report gives us detailed information about how the body produces Serotonin (the feel good hormone), Dopamine (the motivating hormone) and Gaba (the relaxing hormone).
Oestrogen, one of our main sex hormones, has an impact on neurotransmitters in our body. Throughout our menstrual cycle, oestrogen levels fluctuate and this in itself impact brain chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine. They are neurotransmitters essential for regulating mood.
Our body needs specific nutrients to produce these neurotransmitters. If these nutrients are not available, the body will struggle to produce the brain chemicals needed to make us feel good.
Personalised nutrition to the next level – Eat your way to better mood
With the information from the report and the detailed case history, I identified key nutrients Clara needed to increase in her diet in order to address the imbalance in her body.
It is a little early to say but since following her plan, Clara has noticed that her sleep has improved, she feels calmer and more balanced.
Understanding your body fully is the first step to take if you want to get on top of your symptoms. This is particularly important if you are a woman in your 30’s and 40’s and you feel you are approaching Perimenopause. Nutrigenomics is very powerful as it looks at your unique profile. Once you have that information about your body, you can focus specifically on the areas that need attention.
How to order a report
To order a Nutrigenomics report, you need to speak to a practitioner trained in Nutrigenomics like myself. Together, we can choose the best report based on your health concerns and health goals.
Your practitioner will place the order for you. You will then receive a DNA kit in the post and you can do the test whenever convenient for you. With one DNA kit, you can order as many report as you wish. You can read about the reports available and the pricing HERE.
The DNA test is a simple, non-invasive mouth swab that is easy to do at home. The only requirement is to avoid eating or drinking for at least 1 hour before testing. Rub the swab against the inside of both cheeks for one minute and follow the rest of the instructions. It is so quick and easy to do that this can be done with young children too!
Results are ready about 2 weeks after the sample is received and your practitioner will book a convenient time to discuss the results with you.
Interested in finding out more?
Simply book a free discovery call in my diary HERE or email me at to book a chat.
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