Gluten Free Oat Bread
March 21, 2017||
Tasty Bread Made with Gluten Free Oats
This delicious bread recipe was provided by Grainne O’Shea Harbison from Hardy & Healthy, a Nutritionist friend of mine. She created this recipe which I think is so easy to make. You can watch her video on Facebook. Ideal for lunch boxes or for a quick healthy snack after school.
- 1 x 450g pot of yogurt (Sheep / Goat’s yogurt work well)
- 2 x 450g pot measures of gluten free oat
- 1/4 450g pot measure of mixed seeds (pumpkin, flax, sesame)
- 2 teaspoons bicarbonate soda (sieved to avoid any lumps)
- 1 pinch of salt
- Preheat the oven at 210 Celsius.
- Pour the yogurt into a bowl.
- Add the dry ingredients one by one.
- Using a large spoon, mix the dry ingredients through the yogurt until well combined.
- Pour into a 2lb loaf tin.
- Cook for 50 mins.
- Once cooked, turn out to cool on a wire tray.
- Enjoy!
Did you enjoy this recipe? Visit the recipe section of Savoir Fayre website for more tasty ideas.
Posted in Breakfast, Family Nutrition, Gluten Free, Less sugar, Nutrition, Recipes, Refined sugar free, Snack, Sugar free